Sound Bath Therapy at Chiva-Som, Wellness HolidayAs human beings we are a complex species whose healthy functioning is determined by a wide range of influences of a physical, mental and spiritual nature. One of the most important elements of a full holistic philosophy towards wellbeing is a focus on monitoring and correcting the body’s auric vibrations through treatments such as Sound Bath Therapy. Our bodies contain delicate frequencies that ideally work in balance and harmony, but when something goes wrong, possibly through physical or emotional stress, the frequencies become discordant - the vibrations of the body are out of tune or become blocked. When this happens the body slows its vibrations, which can affect cells and organs, and result in disease or illness. Sound Bath Therapy can correct these issues through vibrational healing. It blends the curative power of crystals with soothing harp music played by therapist Danchai Chernprateep, to adjust and fine tune imbalances and free blockages. The 75-minute session has many benefits. As well as promoting mental relaxation, increasing resistance to stress, and boosting energy levels, it alleviates psychosomatic pain, diminishes depression and improves digestion and natural cleansing. Because it balances brain activity, it also sharpens mental clarity. Sound Bath Therapy is a tranquil, non-invasive way to re-balance the autonomic nervous system and restore the body to equilibrium. Please ask at" " reception for more details . Holistic Health Holistic Health is a key component of Chiva-Som’s Health & Wellness concept. Holistic Health maintains a staff of doctors, nurses, naturopaths and therapists as well as specialist consultants, all of whom have a commitment to providing a holistic approach to your health needs. In this sense, Chiva-Som is one of the pioneers of integrative medicine and continues to develop this as a core function. |