How does Palmitoyl Pentapeptide Fight Wrinkles?

First let's try to describe what Palmitoyl pentapeptide really is and what it can for you. A pentapeptide basically refers to five peptides that are bonded together. A peptide then is two or more amino acids that are linked together in some form. The reason this discussion is so important is to illustrate the bonding that happens when trying to fight the aging process. This linking of peptides allows for the skin to link together in order to reduce the wrinkles that occur during skin damage.

Palmitoyl pentapeptide is a molecule that has five sides that is then bonded with a fatty acid derivative. It has been shown that the bonding of the fatty acid that allows for high absorbability and clinical research shows that this can be very effective in boosting collagen production. When you increase collagen, it reduces wrinkles for most people. Palmitoyl pentapeptide is one of the peptides that are now used in many different types of antiaging products.

One of the reasons why it is used now in so many different antiaging products is because it has no known side effects unlike some of the previous products that were based on Retinol A. The previous products had side effects such as serious irritation and redness and rash for many people have tried it. This was one reason is why retinol had great proponents of as well as opponents because of the different side effects that it different people.

There have been great results in clinical trials for Palmitoyl pentapeptide. It has been shown to significantly increase overall collagen production and also hyaluronic acids production as well. The reason these two things are important is because they are what is prevalent in our bodies when we are young. As we age, we tend to reduce the amount of collagen that we produce, thus reducing the bonding that allows our skin to stay firm and supple. The fact that this pentapeptide can increase both hyaluronic acid and collagen says that it would be a very good solution for fighting wrinkles and keeping your skin looking young.

Palmitoyl is really a fatty acid derivative that is combined with a water-soluble pentapeptide. This combination allows it to penetrate the skin by as much as six times more than it was not combined with a water-soluble pentapeptide. This formulation was created when dermatology researchers how to heal the wounds. As they were doing their research and realized that the same form that could be used to reduce wrinkles. A good way to explain this is that when the skin gets broken or wounded. There are other skin cells called fibroblasts that come to the rescue and create new tissue. This in essence produces collagen, which is the connective tissue supporting the skin.

As we age we are unable to produce the amount of collagen that we need to keep our skin supple and looking young. Our skin or our wounds take a lot longer to heal because the connective tissue that supports them becomes damaged. This is the main reason that wrinkles begin to occur. So the net result of Palmitoyl pentapeptide is that it allows our skin to repair itself and stimulate the amount of collagen to make that happen. The results are certainly indicative of a solution that will fight off aging and reduce wrinkles for many people.