Most people feel the weight of the world on their shoulders when it comes to the stress of their job. The stressful feelings of being in a job can overwhelm a person to the point of a nervous breakdown or worse. In order to understand why our jobs cause us a large amount of stress we first must internal and external factors in our workplace. Once these factors are identified we can then start the process of reducing or totally eliminating our stress in the workplace.
Internal factors of stress are feelings of despair, under appreciation, and dissatisfaction. These feelings are mental and triggered by the actions and reactions of others in the workplace. Internal factors of stress in the working are basically negative thoughts. Pinpoint the cause of these negative thoughts and counteract them with positive thoughts.
External factors are often considered minimal issues with easy solutions. External factors can be physical issues (contrast too low on your monitor) or environmental issues (the people who site in your area). While most external stress factors can be easily fixed, they are most often ignored. Think through a positive solution and talk with your supervisors to help resolve the issues.
Overall workplace stress can be eliminated but the first step is managing the factors you can control. Mentally prepare yourself for the entire day, not just the stress of the workplace. Change your route to and from work, the music you listen to, and the locations you take a break or lunch. Start exercising and limit your caffeine drinks. Find a new satisfying hobby you can look forward to after work. Finally, talk to someone about the issues surrounding your stress in your workplace.
If you feel you have exhausted all your avenues to successfully limit or eliminate the stress from your workplace, take the time to update your resume and find a better situation. Life is too short and spending one minute stressing about work is too much. Remember, tomorrow is a new day, a chance to make your work situation better.