6 Ways to Decrease Stress

In today's society of fast paced living, who isn't stressed? Everything must be done in a rush, and there is no time to just sit and relax. We feel we must do more and in a hurry to keep up with the world around us. We also find it hard to refuse people and can't say no to their requests, which adds more stress to our already stressful life. I have to tell you, if you're stressed you must continue to read and take action to lower your stress levels. The following are some tips to help you:

Tip 1: Take Deep Breaths. When you get really stressed out, stop for a moment and take 5-7 deep breaths. This will calm your state.

Tip 2: Take a shower, or wet your face. Change your state, this too will relax and calm you.

Tip 3: Pray. Pray and ask for guidance from the Creator.

Tip 4: Make sure you are not dehydrated. Drink lots of water, or green tea. Have at least 8 cups to make sure you're hydrated through out the day; this alone has been a major stress reducer. Dehydration is also the cause of many headaches. We often forget to take care of ourselves, and water is one drink that many of us do not drink enough of; put sticky notes up everywhere to drink 8 cups a day, to remind you.

Tip 5: Say "No" to extra work. You have to set boundaries. Just let people know kindly that you can't do certain things, and that you already have enough on your plate. Learn to say "NO". This has been one of the hardest things for me to do. So I know it can be tough, but after awhile you will realize it's not so bad.

Tip 6: Stop procrastinating and get things done. De-cluttering helps the mind relax, while mess causes the mind stress As a mom I hate my house to be messy. Seeing it that way stresses me out. When I see it messy I must leave my work and take out 15 minutes to clean it up, and then go back to what I was doing. The hard part is doing it, yet, after I have cleaned the mess I feel relieved, and happy to be back at work.

Usually our day is so jam-packed that we forget to enjoy it. We're always in a hurry to do one thing and then the next. Stop for a moment, and relax. Think of something funny, or go online and sign up for the joke of the day. This way you make sure you smile at least once every day. You know it only takes 17 muscles in our face to smile, and 41 to frown.