What is Emotional Pain and what does it tell us?What is emotional pain? This is something we all have experienced thousands of times throughout our lifetime. We have been in a situation that is out of our comfort zone and once this happens we run from the fear because we have entered a situation of the unknown. Then massive negative thoughts settle in our minds leaving you in a depressed state. This is apparent when someone starts the "greatest home business opportunity" hoping for that instant financial turn around. They jump into an opportunity without knowing the disciplines and skills that are necessary for success. Emotional pain sets in leading to frustration and misery because of this new adventure and momentarily getting out of their comfort zone. It's then we fall back into our old ways. You see, when someone has as job, they are usually responsible for doing 1 job or task. There is probably very little emotional pain involved when you are only assigned to do 1, maybe 2 things at your job. This is very routine for people because it's what they're used to. Now, that you are becoming you're own business owner/entrepreneur, there are so many things so be responsible for. Your marketing, your advertising, keeping systems up to date, calling and returning back leads, working on your personal development etc. The list goes on and on. Non leaders don't know how to handle emotional pain. What sets in is that poverty mindset where there is a fear of loss. Some people aren't risk takers and when that sudden thought of loss appears, emotional pain sets in. Wallace Wattles said in his book "The Science of getting Rich": to become rich you must not study poverty. To overcome this emotional pain, there are some things that you can do: 1. You need to understand your emotional pain. Where is this pain coming from? This can be your mindset, not knowing how your systems work, or even not knowing where to begin your day. Make sure you know what is causing this, then deal with it. 2. Let your frustrations be used as motivation. Everyone has frustrations. It's how we handle these frustrations that will get you through your obstacle. Just because you are frustrated doesn't give you permission to quit. 3 Follow your leaders. You leader/sponsor probably has gone through this too. Ask him/her what they did to conquer their emotional pain. These people are leaders because they understand what emotional pain is and know how to overcome it. Your leaders. 4. Set a schedule and follow it. Many times emotional pain can set in when you are overwhelmed with all of the things you have to do in the day. Set your schedule, prioritize your tasks, and do the things that are going to bring you the success. Everyone has gone through this before. Make sure you follow these steps to overcome the emotional discomfort you experience. Times will be tough when you start something new. But it's how you handle these new emotions that can put you in a new comfort zone and bring you success. Until next time, Greg Schmidt website