How To Overcome Emotional Setbacks

Emotion is a natural phenomenon in life, which means that every human has emotions. Man is a spirit; he has a soul and lives in a body

Your soul is the seat of your mind, will and emotions while you relate with the intellectual world with your body. What affects the soul affects the body, hence the need to overcome your emotional setbacks

You must first understand that the emotional setback is not to destroy you but to strengthen and make you a better person. You cannot be who you should be without encountering challenges

Never lose sight of your unique nature; believe in yourself

Don't see yourself being disadvantaged as a result of what has happened to you. See the good in every emotional challenge

Understand that the solution to every setback is in the setback. That is to say that, every emotional setback gravitates toward its solution. You can handle it that was why it came to you

Be your number one motivator. You can close your eyes, take a deep breath and smile to yourself. You may not feel like it but do it

Think of things that make you happy; call yourself the names that make you want to fly

Go for motivational materials- books and audio and tapes that spur you to action. See yourself coming out of that emotional setback with ease

Make a consistent effort of saying positive things to yourself. When you catch yourself thinking about it, refuse it and start saying positive things like, saying the positive place the challenge is taking you to

Refuse to live in the yesterday of your life by leaving the past behind. Know that your future is more glorious than what you see today.

Take these steps and see yourself flying on eagles' wings.