How To Deal With These 8 Types Of Bosses

Our bosses dictate how good -- or bad -- our working lives will be. Here’s a list of the kinds of bosses you may be working for -- along with practical strategies you can use to get on their good side.

1. All-Business Boss -- This boss always takes things seriously and stays on work mode -- even after work hours. Respect this boss’ space and keep your professional distance. Just keep projecting a positive attitude. You don’t have to be chummy to impress this boss -- just deliver.

2. Congeniality Nut -- This boss forces his or her employees to mingle in out-of-office activities, masking his or her need for attention by making it seem that his or her staff need to bond. Beg off when this boss schedules yet another weekend group activity. If you let this boss encroach on your personal time, he or she will keep obligating you to attend his or her organized gatherings.

3. Dangerous Dictator -- This boss is a power tripper who won’t hesitate to humiliate you for mistakes -- both real and imagined. You can test your patience threshold by being exposed to this boss’ rage on a daily basis. But the smartest move you can make may very well be to run to the exit and seek a saner environment.

4. Dazed Dreamer -- This boss specializes in brainstorming sessions and grand plans that are anything but realistic. Suggest more pragmatic moves whenever this boss latches on to yet another fascinating plan that will disrupt your workflow. Make sure to praise his or her brilliant plan before you respectfully give him or her a dose of reality.

5. Mad Micromanager -- This boss is a control freak who’ll be constantly looking over your shoulder. Don’t take it personally when this boss second-guesses you. Practice full disclosure and transparency. Soon, you won’t be “policed” as much anymore.

6. Paranoia Specialist -- This boss always thinks that everyone is after his or her job so he or she constantly tests your loyalty. Just do your job and ignore this boss’ insecurity. You can try to reassure him or her that you don’t want to overthrow him or her. However, keep in mind that playing psychiatrist to him or her is not part of your job description.

7. Perfect Critic -- This boss is a perfectionist who specializes in finding something wrong with everything. Don’t take it personally when this boss nitpicks on your work. Just think of it as a manifestation of his or her anxiety. On the upside, working for this boss will make you more vigilant about doing quality checks on your own work.

8. Saintly Leader -- This boss wants to be liked -- so much so he or she lets everyone gets away with mediocrity. Even if this boss treats you with kid gloves, it doesn’t mean you can abuse his or her kindness. Do your job well and consult him or her even if he or she is content to let you do your own thing.