Facts About Cheek Implant Surgery That You Should Know

Over time, the effects of gravity, the environment, and age begin to show up in the facial features.  The round, full cheeks of youth begin to lose their plumpness.  The fat pads underneath the skin begin to flatten out and drop and sometimes even disappear.  This can cause deep lines and wrinkles to appear, and can even cause the face to look sunken or caved-in.  The connective or supportive tissue beneath the skin begins to erode and the face becomes flat and thin, with minimal definition.  Many people begin to think about a face lift at this point, but for some, cheek implant surgery is a less invasive procedure that can really make a big difference.

Cheek implants are made of silicone and are surgically inserted from inside the mouth.  They are carefully placed to provide the best look of fullness for the individual patient.  They come in different sizes and shapes to accommodate different face shapes and sizes.  The recovery period is about a week and may include some temporary swelling or bruising.  The symmetry and fullness are restored to the mid-face and keep patients looking younger.

Many board certified plastic surgeons are using the implants less often than in the past because there are so many excellent fillers available.  Injectable fillers such as Sculptra, Radiesse and even body fat from the patient, are a less invasive alternative to the permanent implants.  Your surgeon will consult with you and help you determine whether having cheek implant surgery or injectable fillers is the best option for you.