Family-The Best Support You Could Ever GetMany teenagers in today's world have distanced themselves from their families, either emotionally or physically, complaining that parents and other family members are invaders and a threat to their privacy. Teenagers spend long hours locked in their rooms, doing God knows what, and taking out not even a little bit of time for their families. During the stage of adolescence, teenagers often view themselves as independent and strong, and feel the need to gain individuality and make their own decisions and expect that their parents identify their need for freedom and privacy. AsQuentin Crisppoints out in a quote: "The young always have the same problem - how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying their parents and copying one another."And byLogan Pearsall Smith: "Don't laugh at a youth for his affectations; he is only trying on one face after another to find a face of his own." Even though it is normal for a child to pull away from parents and family members while simultaneously identifying with friends and peers when he enters his teen years (process called individuation), it could have negative and even drastic effects if teens distance themselves too much , specially from their parents. Such teenagers, without much supervision and positive advice from parents, are much more likely to get involved in wrong-doing and immoral activities such as drugs, porn, bad company etc. This occurs due to the fact that teens have little or no fear left of their parents because of the gap between them. They don't feel the need to be held accountable for their deeds in front of their parents. The teenagers feel that they have acquired independence and can do anything without anyone ever questioning them, which is particularly the case in most Western countries. Therefore, in order to stop their teens from going on the wrong path, parents need to get involved in their child's activities in a healthy and understanding way, without causing too much pressure on them. In this way, teens are more likely to open up to their parents and have less chances of going astray. According to a study:"If you aren't close to your father, your relationship with him will be further affected if your parents divorce." Teens often make mistakes that result in serious consequences and haunt them for the rest of their lives. In order to avoid this, they need to trust their parents with every decision they make that could affect their lives and also need to seek their advice in important situations. By doing this, they can make quality decisions and avoid making mistakes that can alter their well-being. Teenagers should always remember that parents and family members provide the best support and are most concerned with their teens' well-being. There is no substitute for them in this world, and, even though teens sometimes tend to disapprove the decisions of their parents, they should bear in mind that those decisions are intended to be in their best interests. |