Plastic Surgery Info About South Florida

Liposuction is one of the top South Florida plastic surgery procedures performed today.  Liposuction is literally the removal of fat from the body through suction.  Many people have areas of their bodies where fatty deposits remain even after the most stringent diet and exercise regimens.  Liposuction is extremely effective in removing fat from these areas.  Anyone who wants to eliminate extra fatty tissue in areas such as the tummy, hips, neck, back, or thighs will benefit from this cosmetic procedure.

Some South Florida plastic surgery facilities use the newer liposuction technique of Body Jet.  This uses the power of water to safely remove fat from the unwanted areas of the body.  The pressurized jet stream of water is fan-shaped and computer controlled.  The software controls both the rate of water input and fat output.  A special cannula collects the fat as it is separated from the surrounding supporting tissues and flushed away.  This procedure is gentler than the traditional method of liposuction and less traumatic to the connective tissues and blood vessels, which results in less bruising and swelling.

Board certified plastic surgeons that use Body Jet in South Florida plastic surgery facilities are able to sculpt the body contour with precision and accuracy.  This makes the results easier to determine and to achieve.  Patients are thrilled with the nominal discomfort associated with this minimally invasive procedure.  Usually, they are up and moving the same day and the recovery period that follows can be as short as a couple of days before they feel like returning to work.