Learning About Surgery in South Florida

As we grow older, our skin tends to develop wrinkles, and our lips do too.  As the lips lose their fullness, age is more apparent.  Fuller lips help people look more attractive, younger, and healthier.  How can this look be regained once age has begun to take its toll?  South Florida plastic surgery options include injectable fillers.  These fillers, such as Radiesse, Perlane, and Juvederm are carefully injected in just the right areas to create the desired look.  Another filler that is gaining popularity is body fat from the patient.  The fat is removed from areas where it is not wanted and then injected just like the other fillers.  It provides a natural look and feel.

Another South Florida plastic surgery option for lip augmentation is the permanent lip implant.  PermaLip is an FDA approved implant made of silicone that is soft but solid.  It comes in a variety of sizes to please each individual patient.  One of the advantages that this option gives is the fact that even though it is permanent it can also be removed and replaced later if the patient decides they want to go with a larger or smaller implant or even no implant at all.

The lip augmentation permanent implant procedure is quick and virtually painless, only taking from 15 to 30 minutes.  The patient is asked to ice the lip that day to reduce the minimal swelling, and usually returns to work the next day.  Some patients return to work the same day.  There is little if any bruising and the results for this South Florida plastic surgery procedure are well-received.