How to Interpret Handwriting

Here are some interesting pointers so you can make sense of your own writing or show off in front of the others and interpret their handwriting.

SIZE: If your letters are large, you're bold, action-oriented and can be egocentric. If medium you're adaptable and practical. If tiny, you're precise, with awesome power of concentration.

ADORNMENT: If your writing is relatively unadorned, you're efficient and clear-thinking. If you jot big dots over the "i" and use other flourishes, you get tangled up in details and need help in making decisions.

SLANT: Strong right angles: You need frequent reassurance. Strong left angles: You can be independent to a fault. Straight up-and-down: Your head rules over your heart.

CONNECTIONS: If most of your letters are connected, you are logical. If there are occasional breaks within words ... ?id=3086