Trans-resveratrol: The New Elixir

The elusive search for the so-called fountain of youth has long been a subject of interest for humans for over hundreds, and maybe even thousands of years.

In today's modern society, the term anti-aging has been closely associated with high-end cosmetic products or drastic measures such as invasive and non-invasive plastic surgery procedures. Women are not the only ones who are taking part in this movement. In fact, it's pretty remarkable that more and more men have been drawn to the promise of anti-aging.

One either welcomes or fears the natural, inevitable process of aging and all its manifestations, but to those who do fear it, do not lose hope. Fortunately, there are a lot of preventive measures that can be taken to slow down and minimize the effects of aging.

A well-balanced diet consisting highly of fresh, organic foods; a smoke, alcohol and drug-free lifestyle; and a sound mind form the cornerstone to longevity. With extensive research studies and the advanced technology available now, there is definitely more that can be done to support our aging gracefully and beautifully.

Taking anti-aging to the next step is a natural compound called trans-resveratrol, which is the active form of resveratrol polyphenols found in the skins, seeds and stems of grapes, the same type of grapes used to produce red wine. Trans-resveratrol can also be extracted from over 70 plant species including pine trees, nuts and berries, to name a few.

In March 24 of last year, trans-resveratrol became an overnight sensation when it took center stage in the Oprah show. Special guest Dr. Mehmet Oz, MD, cardiothoracic surgeon and author, recommended trans-resveratrol supplements, saying that the chemical in concentrated doses when tested on laboratory animals "prolongs life expectancy." He further explained that in order to get the same effects from red wine itself, one must consume over a dozen bottles a day.

Of course, consuming that much amount of red wine is not the most practical or the safest way to go about it because of the significant alcohol content. With trans-resveratrol in supplement form, you get all the benefits minus the side effects. "I'm comfortable that it's safe enough, that it's worth taking," Oz affirmed.

Trans-resveratrol is kept in its active state only when sheltered from various factors such as the sun, light and oxygen. Trans-resveratrol, in its purest form, has showed scientific evidence that it can activate the SIRT1 longevity gene and improve cellular productivity.

Moreover, laboratory tests in the past couple of years have proven that trans-resveratrol can have a multitude of health and wellness benefits ultimately leading to a longer and more stable lifespan.  Examples of which is its power to considerably strengthen biomarkers of bone metabolism and suppress the growth of pro-inflammatory enzymes such as COX-1 and COX-2, among many others.

Research studies such as those conducted at the prestigious Harvard University, National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and National Institute on Aging, citing the progressive impact of trans-resveratrol on anti-aging has reached to over 2000 and counting.

Touted as "the new elixir", many believe nothing beats trans-resveratrol at its peak of potency.