How To Tighten Sagging Skin without Surgery

Let's face it, no one wants to look their age which is why the skin care market is flooded with lotions and potions to keep us youthful. The problem is that only a handful work as they tackle the main causes of aging. Find out which ingredients to look for here.

Just take a look at your current skin care and you will no doubt see mineral oil (paraffin wax, petrolatum), parabens (methyl, propyl) and fragrances which could be any number of thousands of chemicals and also dioxane, known to the state of California to cause cancer.

This is why the majority don't work. Mineral oil blocks up your pores so the toxins are not eliminated properly while parabens have been linked to irritations and even cancer.

They certainly do not tackle the main causes of sagging skin and wrinkles which is a lack of collagen, hyaluronic acid and the damage done by free radicals (oxidation).

If you want to discover how to tighten sagging skin naturally, it's just a matter of selecting the right ingredients that are proven in clinical trials to actually work. It is also important that they contain no harmful chemicals at all and actually enhance your overall health and well-being.

Phytessence wakameis a great one and an extract from Japanese sea kelp. It helps to increase your hyaluronic acid levels to restore any lost elasticity and heal any irritated areas.

This wonderful kelp is eaten fresh in Japan as it is bursting with vitamins and minerals that your body and skin needs to heal and repair.

Active Manuka Honeycomes from New Zealand and contains powerful antioxidants and antibacterial properties to rejuvenate your skin and help to restore it overnight. Honey has been used since the Egyptian times for its beneficial effects on the skin and Manuka is one of the very best.

A recent ingredient that boosts your collagen levels to tighten up your skin naturally isCynergy TK. It comes from the wool of sheep and helps to fade fine lines and wrinkles. It also contains antioxidants to combat free radical damage and nourish deep down.

Now you know how to tighten sagging skin without surgery and only using natural creams, look out for these ingredients and you will soon notice the difference in the texture and tone of your skin as it firms up and restores your more youthful looks.

To discover more about these potent natural substances that help to keep your skin radiant and healthy, visit my website below.