Some Tips on Driving Safe

Lately we've seen the commercials, the public service announcements, and articles about safe driving gain enormous attention. Most states now have laws that are cracking down on cell phone use while driving to try to keep the roads safer. Even Oprah is joining the movement with her "No Phone Zone" campaign. With the great deal of "buzz," I am sure many of you are wondering, "How can I make sure I drive safely?"

Here are some tips on what you can do, to make sure you are driving in a safe way and following these new laws that states are passing.

1. Know your limits when driving. We know that cell phone use has restrictions in most states now, but what about those distractions which are not regulated? Know your limits when it comes to music volume, fiddling with the A/C dials, changing the radio station, talking to someone else in the car, etc. If you feel yourself becoming distracted from the task at hand (driving safely), even if it is only slightly distracted, you know that is your limit and you should steer clear from getting near it.
2. Pay attention to not only the road, but the cars around you. All too often we hear about the importance of keeping your eyes on the road, paying attention to where you are going, but we rarely are told to watch where the other drivers are going. It is very important to watch what other drivers are doing to see if it will conflict with what you are doing on the road. Watch how straight they drive, look for turn signals, notice the behavior of the vehicle and anticipate where it will go. This will help you avoid accidents as you will be able to alter your course accordingly, even if the other driver is distracted.
3. Do not use your cell phone while you're driving. This is a simple one; there are even laws on it, but it is often a tip that is not followed or applied. The problem lies with our natural tendency to communicate with others no matter what we're doing at the time. Technology is such a huge factor in our everyday lives, that it feels natural to talk or text while you're driving somewhere. So, if you can't make yourself turn off the phone on your own, there are some devices out on the market that can help. One such product, called Key2SafeDriving, is already helping to save lives out on the roads. This device plugs into the OBD port of your vehicle and interacts with your phone to keep you from talking or texting while the car is running (Emergency calls are allowed). All calls and texts are put into your inbox until the car is stopped. This is a great way to hold yourself accountable to driving without distractions. This device is especially useful for parents with teenagers as it will allow them to ensure their kids drive safe, even if they don't want to. If the Key2SafeDriving device is unplugged or tampered with, it will automatically send a text to the administrator of the account (usually a parent) and alert them that the device is being tampered with.

These are just a few tips on how to drive safe. Just remember to pay attention and don't let yourself get distracted while you drive. It's just not worth it. Keep your eye out for more of my tips coming soon.