Don't Text and Drive!

Since pretty much everyone has a cell phone these days, there is going to be a time that you receive a phone call while driving, or even an email and a text. While I do talk on the phone with a headset occasionally in the car, texting and checking email should not happen.

Saying that texting or reading while driving is unsafe, is an understatement. Thousands of lives are lost each and every day when a distracted driver rear ends someone or they cross the center lane on a divided highway. Is the message really that important?

If you have to send a message or text someone just pull over to the side of the road. Take the two minutes that it takes to do that and keep yourself and others safe. We have lots of teens driving these days and they think that they are immortal. Well I can tell you that this is not true.

There are teens in my neighborhood that have lost their lives due to texting while driving. Back in my day all we had to worry about was drinking and driving but now we have to worry about kid's texting and talking on the cell phones. In some states texting while driving is illegal but it doesn't mean that people don't do it.

Imagine how you would feel if someone you loved was killed by a person talking on their cell phone or texting someone. Their life lost simply because you were too impatient to pull over to the side of the road to order your pizza or read your email from your boss.

Trust me, taking the time use caution when driving can and does save lives. We as people are just so distracted these days. It's only going to get worse as we get more gadgets and have the ability to do more while being mobile.

Keep yourself and others safe and don't text and drive. Take the no phone pledge that Oprah is promoting!