How Busy People Deal with Government Bureacracy

Almost all of us have been there. Seeing the ticket in the window of our car and feeling that feeling of being powerless. How about seeing the red and blue lights flickering behind you as the officer walks over to you with ticket pad in hand.

The feeling of powerlessness is the first feeling, the second feeling is usually a feeling of anxiety over prioritizing this mess that you have stumbled into. Because you may or may not have time to fight that traffic or speeding ticket, but you will be pestered over the next step for a while.

For many of us with a traffic citation or a few (*ahem*), there is traffic school. If you decide to pay your ticket, many medium to large municipalities offer online payments. However, the most popular and for many; exciting and surprisingly easy medium to clear your family name is traffic school. Here are some helpful sites that will empower you to take the next step when you are given a fighting chance by your local court.

I have used and they are by far the most fun and sophisticated online course, they offer online traffic school for most states and municipalities.
* ?AFLID=WW000652" Signup for

For Texas Citations:
* ?AFLID=WW000652" Signup for
Also, for those with children who are either preparing to get behind the wheel; you will need to sign them up for Driver's Education and Driver's Training, so here are some resources for that as well.

Teen Driving Course is an online Driver's Education course:
* ?AFLID=WW000652" Signup for