Osteoporosis, or Bone Thinning, is now an Increasing Risk to Men and Children

Osteoporosis or thinning and weakening of bones is now becoming more than a disease of pregnant women and old ladies. Young people AND men are increasingly susceptible to Osteoporosis nowadays.

Some known Osteoporosis factors:

  • Every 3 minutes someone has a fracture in the UK
  • People with Osteoporosis are getting younger
  • 1:3 women will get it and 1:12 men, men are really at risk now - the 1:12 figure for men is probably out of date now it is possibly nearer 1:6!!!
  • There are more deaths following a hip fracture than ovarian cancer

Bone thinning, is now a growing threat to more people than ever.

Not only is the rise in male osteoporosis progressing it is becoming a real problemin our children. NO LONGER is it a problem just for older and pregnant women.It is a silent epidemic that is spreading.In a survey in USA they tested 1000 13yr olds and they ALL had osteoporosis. A lot of this is to do with poor diet and increasing use fizzy drinks and lack of exercise.

Some of the causes of Osteoporosis

Anorexia, Alcohol, Cancer, Chemotherapy, Coeliac disease, Cushings disease, Early menopause, Early Hysterectomy, Hyperthyroidism, Liver disease, Hyperpituitaryism, Lung disease, Steroids, Smoking, Rheumatoid Arthritis...If you are on high blood pressure tablets, you may need treatment for Osteoporosis.

Fizzy drinks, food lacking full nutrient content, lack of sufficient minerals in theCORRECT BALANCE(calcium alone will NOT put it right and could cause more complications), sedentary lives; it's all out there and happening but generally people will disregard back pain, aches, tiredness etc as "just a hectic lifestyle" and no thought is given to the possible onset of osteoporosis.

Why would we if we don't really know about it?

Osteoporosis is preventable, NOT normal

There is NO real reason to be seriously ill! Grand statement there, but it is a fact that proper nutrition, exercise and care of the immune system will prevent the majority of illnesses. It is a sad fact that the medical profession, historically, has not been used to including nutrition as part of the teaching supplied. Now - this MAY be changing with some private specialists and practices, but doctors don't generally have time to get to the bottom of a problem and get to the source due to pressures of work and the large numbers of people needing an appointment.

People take the doctors word as gospel - it saves thinking for themselves and human nature being what it seems to be, they don t seem to care either. Most people will be quite happy to take the line of least resistance and go with the flow....tomorrow is another day - I'll do something about it then....

Prevention is far better than cure.

  • Take responsibility for your own health
  • 20 minutes walking per day is a basic excellent way to increase bone mass.
  • Regular healthy diet is a key to keeping good bone and skeletal health.
  • There is now more evidence that supplementation is increasing in importance these days,as nearly all our food is low in the vital nutrients especially minerals which have a huge impact on bone structure.

Keep junk food and fizzy drinks to aminimum!It would be crazy to say "don't ever" these days, but this is an area that needs to be considered seriously, especially if there are health issues in evidence. Again - prevention is better than cure!

Health Issues in Evidence could include:

  • Constant tiredness
  • Aches and pains for no particular reason
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Digestive Problems