How To Spoil Your Children The Time, Inclination, Opportunity, Money Parenting ParadigmPARENTING BRINGING UP TEENAGERS TheTIME, INCLINATION, OPPORTUNITY, MONEYParenting Paradigm By VIKRAM KARVE It seems to be the in thing today to have snobbish supercilious spoilt children. Apart from the conventional vices like drinking, smoking, drugs, gambling etc, all types of new and novel temptations and addictions like Internet, Gaming, TV, sex, compulsive spending and shopping, indulging in wild reckless behaviour, breaking the law and criminal thrills are on the rise and indeed becoming status symbols in some sections of society. Now-a-days there is plenty of choice available for those who want to "live it up". If you want to spoil your children remember there are four cardinal factors or resources that help develop and nurture bad habits, addictions and anti-social behaviour:TIME, INCLINATION, OPPORTUNITY, and MONEY. TIME:One must have time to indulge in whatever one's pursuits, good or bad. So, if you want to spoil your children, don't burden them with too many "mundane" things like studies, sports, hobbies etc so that they have plenty of leisure time to live it up and pursue their temptations to their heart's content. INCLINATION:This depends on yoursense of values,home and family atmosphere, social environment, religious and cultural taboos, peer pressure, influence of school and friends.Are you inculcating the right values in your kids by your own actions? I'll give a real life example. My friend's son, age 15, lost his expensive mobile cell-phone forgetting it in a taxi due to his own carelessness and negligence. Instead of admonishing him, my friend bought him the latest, even more expensive and fancy cell-phone. Obviously the boy had no remorse, guilt or regret at losing the expensive gadget, and instead of feeling contrite and responsible, displayed a "couldn't care" attitude. OPPORTUNITY:You have theTime, you have theInclination, but do you have the opportunity to do what you want to do? MONEY:If you want to spoil your children make sure you give them plenty ofmoneyto splurge and to do as they please. But if you don't want to spoil your teenager kids, you know what to do, don't you? VIKRAM KARVE Copyright © Vikram Karve 2010 Vikram Karve has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified asthe author of this work." |