Teaching Your Child to Drive

It can be hard to believe that your son or daughter is finally at the age where they can legally get behind the wheel. This can be incredibly stressful, especially if you consider yourself to be a very cautious driver. You obviously don’t want to cause any undue damage to your vehicle, but you want to make sure that your child will be a safe and effective driver. There are several ways to make your son or daughter’s transition from passenger to driver seamless. Just follow these basic tips.

1.    Before any child gets behind the wheel they should thoroughly read through the Motor Vehicle Safety drivers training manual. Make sure that they understand the rules and regulations of the road. You can double check by giving them a few quizzes beforehand. This will also make their permit test go a lot smoother because they will be extra prepared. Make sure they have at least one week of preparation before they go in to take the exam.

2.    Once they have received their learners permit, show your son or daughter all of the buttons and controls on your vehicle. Explain everything from where and how to use the turning signal to how to adjust the mirrors. Also make sure they know how to use the hazard lights and emergency brakes. Allow them to adjust everything to their comfort level prior to driving the vehicle.

3.    Now that your son or daughter is aware of the rules of the road and they are comfortable with the anatomy of the vehicle, its time to start driving. They will probably be fairly nervous and quite apprehensive, so it’s best to start off in a vacant parking lot. You can purchase some orange cones or use chalk to make an obstacle course. Use the cones or the chalk to make stopping areas, as well as parking areas. Let your child practice starting and stopping. Also have them practice backing up. Make sure they are going through the proper motions, such as checking their mirrors, using their turning signal and looking over their shoulder. Also be sure to practice some parallel parking with your child. Even though it isn’t a common occurrence these days, it’s guaranteed to be on the driving test.

4.    Once all of the basics have been gone through and your child feels comfortable behind the wheel, it’s time to go out on the road. Start out on a low traffic street. Allow your child to practice maintaining the proper speed and driving between the lines. Also make sure they are properly utilizing their turning signal, following street signs and braking appropriately.

5.    After your son or daughter appears to be comfortable, then it is time to try interstate driving. Make sure they are fully prepared and that you have plenty of confidence in them, so that there won’t be any additional pressure or stress. In general, it’s best to have your child driving for about a month before making it to this stage. That way, you will both feel safe taking it to the next level.

Becoming a good driver takes loads of practice and a good teacher. So set a good example for your child and remember to be patient and calm. Your demeanor and attitude will have a huge effect on the success of your child behind the wheel. Also make sure that the car you use is extra safe with some quality aftermarket auto parts .