Fat Kids - Who Is to Blame?

The rise in the amount of fat kids in Europe and America is the base of a current debate about who is responsible for this increase

There are a number of elements to be taken into consideration such as our 20th century lifestyles and modern technology, but the main cause must be laid clearly at the steps of the parents

However, a study funded by the National Prevention Research Initiative, claim that seven out of ten parents are in denial about the problem their children being face by being overweight

Many, underestimating the real risk to their children’s health, dismiss the extra level of plumpness as a little ‘Chubby’ or ‘Puppy Fat’

Child Obesity is a medical disorder that is found in both adults and overweight young children. Children who suffer from this disorder will typically have a weight that is out of proportion with their age and height.

The researches said “If the rising tide of obesity is to be halted, parents must accept the difference and the responsibility between a healthy weight for their child and being overweight

An experiment conducted into childhood obesity, by nutritional specialist Dr Angela Jones, weighed and measured (including their BMI Body max index) more than 500 Children between the ages of six and eight.

She then asked the parents how they perceived their child’s weight, giving them a selection of answers to choose from. - Very Underweight - Underweight – Normal – Overweight – and Very Overweight,

Over 70% of the parents with children classed as ‘Very Over weight’ or ‘Obese’, described their child as being “Normal”. Even the fattest child!

Many parents rationalise their child’s extra pounds, with sayings that vary, from “they are still growing” or” they will grow out of it” to “they will have a growth spurt and soon grow skinny again”

While some fat children may outgrow obesity, others carry it with them into their adult lives. Obesity in children can affect their physiology. It can also place them at greater risk for diabetes and heart disease.

Dr Jones told the European Congress on Obesity in Amsterdam “Childhood overweight and obesity is a Global public concern with significant implications for immediate and long term health

She said that parents play a key role in children’s ‘food intake and physical activity, Parental recognition of childhood obesity in fundamental to the prevention,

She went on the add “ the increase in the number of overweight children is deeply troubling, because the more overweight a child or youth is, the more likely they are to continue to be overweight into adulthood.

In conclusion. It is so easy to gain weight in a world that convenience foods are most peoples answer to a good and proper meal, and where parents think that food should be used as a reward for children doing something good.

All they are doing however,  is contributing to civilizations biggest problem and dooming their child to a life of obesity

While it is easy to blame junk food companies, it’s the parents that ultimately have the responsibility of making sure their children eat a healthy diet and exercise often