Troubled Teens and the Ideal Boarding Schools

A teen in trouble needs help. We cannot abandon them and simply hope they will grow out of their problem. But it's not easy. There are so many different types of trouble into which teens can find themselves such as drugs, alcohol, being promiscuous, depression, falling grades, self-harm and low self-esteem, etc. As a parent, you need to know what is troubling your teen.

Trying to help them at home sounds the right thing to do and often it is. But sometimes your child needs to get away. They need a break from the kids who are dragging them down or encouraging them to smoke, drink and try drugs. They need a new environment and fresh start, a chance to break free of their troubles.

One of the ideal ways to do this is to send your teen to a boarding school. They are in a new situation, away from bad influences. They can continue their schooling and enjoy terrific activities such as sports, performing arts and/or outdoor education. And they could even enjoy therapy sessions aimed specifically at their particular problem.

So what are these boarding schools for troubled teens? Well there are several. There is the Christian boarding school, a wilderness camp, a military school and a boarding school which offers therapy as well as the full academic program.

Remember you want your teen to get better but you don't want them to neglect their schooling. Getting healthy is fine but your teen needs to do well with their academic studies too.

Now a Christian boarding school offers programs for troubled teens, sporting and performing arts activities and a solid range of academic courses. Their main point of emphasis though is their faith with a strong emphasis on the Bible and the teachings of Jesus. If you want your teen to be introduced to the Christian faith and overcome their troubles, this type of boarding school should be considered.

A military school will not accept a teen who is in trouble with the law, taking drugs or misbehaving badly in other ways. They will take a teen who needs some discipline in their life as well as any upright student who has leadership potential.

A wilderness camp takes its students away from the rat race and into the wilderness. They offer therapy programs f0r those who may have lost their way. The setting is magnificent and the outdoor activities including overnight trips promote independence and clear the troubled teen's mind of their problems; it's an ideal program to build self-esteem and self-confidence.

A specialist boarding school which offers one-to-one therapy as well as group sessions where the students are able to relate to their therapist and counselor on a regular basis, is great for any teen who has been hurt or disillusioned. They may have body image problems or are failing badly at school. Living on the campus is terrific for any teen who needs constant encouragement and expert guidance in their studies and personal life.

There are many types of boarding school out there. Find the one which best suits the needs of your troubled teen.