New Door Locks Assist Moms and Dads in Prosecuting Curfew Violations

Moms and Dads have been losing the curfew argument for years!

You are certain Johnny was 20 minutes late, but you weren't there, and he's telling you with that oh so sweet innocent face he was on time.

Without backup what chance do you have, really?

Johnny wins, and probably breaks curfew the rest of the year.

It's high time you regained your authority.

For crying out loud these are your kids we're talking about.  If they disobey your orders now, what chance do they have when they step out onto the world's playground as adults.

When you can confidently enforce the rules, and have concrete evidence to support your reasons for admonition, you will reinforce the traditional values of respecting thy mother and father and teaching individual responsibility to your children.

Rubbing your hands together yet?

Ready to fight back?

Here's how.

Jump over to, and pick up the Schlage LiNK wireless keyless entry locks for your front door, door to the garage, or back door.  Any entry point where your kids get into your home.

Spend the less than $0.43/day to get an active subscription.

Download the Schlage LiNK app to your iPhone, or logon on to the Schlage LiNK remote access site from your computer or mobile phone and setup your command center.

Now put it to test.

Head out on the town and enjoy a Saturday night to yourselves.

Be sure your phone is turned on.

At curfew time, see if you get your alert.

It will come by text message.

It's that simple.

The door lock can be installed in less than 30 minutes with a screwdriver, and the entire LiNK system is plug-n-play with your existing home computer.

Cool, heh?

For less than a cup of coffee a day, you will be armed and ready to win the curfew argument once and for all.

For about the price of a postage stamp, not only can you clamp down on curfew violations, you can even let contractors in when you're not there, let the neighbor in to walk your dog, and do so much more.

Ever worry whether your kids make it home from school?

Mom's, you can now be alerted in real time when they get in safely.

These keyless door locks are so smart they send you a text message when they arrive.

To learn more about all the features of the new internet controlled locks, visit and search for Schlage LiNK in the electronic locks section.

Information and pricing about the keyless door locks is readily available.

Your new world awaits.