Paypams - Definition of Paypam

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Paypams is the one step solution of parents and school administrators in managing their children and students’ needs. Paypams stands for Parent Account Management System. It is a system wherein parents can monitor the nutritional needs and intake of their children even in school. It is a prepaid plan wherein parents will set up an account for their children expenses in school inclusive of transportations, food and other activities.

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This system entails parents to set up an account for their children wherein they will deposit a considerable amount of money through PayPal to their children’s account. For every expense of the children, the total amount of expenses incurred by the students will be deducted from the account. For example, one student will go on a lunch at the school cafeteria. If such school is enrolled in the system, the student will just have to stand in line and wait for his or her turn to order. Upon order, the total amount will automatically be deducted to the account. Hence, there is no need to give the children money upfront and not knowing where they will spend it.

Paypams helps the parents to regulate the expenditures of their children in school and they are able to monitor the activities of the children as well.

This kind of system is a big help to parents and children as well. It paves the way for closer monitoring and helps the children to become responsible in handling monies. All in all this system is great.