Brotherly Love: Keep it That Way

This is my first article pertaining to relationships. It’s such an important topic however that I feel my website is not complete without some mention to regarding relationships.

Lately I have been thinking about the relationships I have with my two brothers. It really is a rare one, because I am on an excellent standing with both of them. Strangely, when I look around I notice that no one else is on such a good standing with any of their siblings, and I wonder why.

The only explanation that I can come up with that makes any sense is that when they were young they fought a lot (which is very normal). As they got older however they forgot to “grow up” and put those fights behind them. Even now as they are in their early twenties, they still fight not necessarily in a vocal way (perspectives, ideas, plans, etc.). They call each other because they have to (once a year) and they share nothing in common...even though they lived with each other for 15 years!

Interestingly, if I call up my brother and convince myself before he picks up the phone that we never get along, it becomes very easy for us to disagree on just about anything. I can’t help but notice that this is what most of my friends experience when asked if they have any family in the area: “Actually yes, I have an older brother, but we never got along.”

Notice the word “got”...past tense. What about present tense? Forget about the fact that you do not hold the same religious views. Who cares if s/he likes hot temperature and you like cold. Just connect with him on a different level-find something in common and discuss that. It can be as simple as going over childhood experiences. My brothers and I really like talking about our parents. There just seems to be a lot to discuss all the time!

Call up one of your siblings today and talk about something fun and amusing.

Don’t let the childhood rifts that were created at age 9 and 12, keep you apart today.

Past 20, everyone is the same anyway.