Teen Sex - the Reason Why Teens Can Die Having Fun

Why so much fuss over teen sex, is it not natural for a boy and girl to be curious about "how" their undisclosed body parts function and put to them to use, the answer is yes, it is perfectly normal, however as stated earlier I refer to boys and girls, probing the sexual organs of the opposite sex should be sanctioned by man and woman only, meaning, they are wiser about puberty and conscious of what can happen if the goods are damaged so as to speak in the way of an unwanted pregnancy or contracting a sexually transmitted disease. Mind you not all adults are as responsible as they should be and they too have to suffer the consequences of having unprotected sex.

Boys and girls enjoy your childhood as nature intended, life is too short to throw it all away through a mistake that could have been prevented. The number for those who indulge in teen sex in today`s society is on the increase and so are the amount of baby deliveries in a labour ward, is this what you really want, a baby who demands your every second of the day or the dolly in the pram who craves no attention till you say so. As for the boys before you next dip your wick take control and use a condom, not every premature dad is a happy one; Choosing to ignore sensible advice and the worst happens and you have made up your mind not to be involved with the baby`s upbringing then fine, but I am not to sure others will see it that way (child support)

Teen sex has its negatives, meaning, having sex with someone who at the time you believed was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with but when a missed period is mentioned that someone is now not seen as the ideal husband wife material, its funny how the height of passion can distort the way a person thinks.

By saving your self for the right person will make your sexual encounters more meaningful than that of a one night stand. Girls if you indulge in multiple teen sex engagements then labelled as a tart you will be, is this what you want, and how do you explain this to the man that you know is the one for you. Although boys sleep around they seem to get of the hook without any name calling, however jealousy can prevail within the future wife`s thoughts, life can be miserable with mistrust 24 hours a day..

Safe sex means use condoms, sometimes called a rubber, Johnny or French letter. Most STDs can be avoided to some extent by practicing safe sex. Information on Chlamydia, Syphilis, HIV and AIDS, Gonorrhoea is freely given by your doctor or found in leaflets from your local clinic/ hospital.

Syphilis is caused by a bacterium which can be passed on through open sores. If there is no outward sign, the bacteria may not get passed on. Diseases are treatable and curable, the earlier a condition is detected betters the odds in the healing process. Syphilis has phases - primary, secondary and latent. Death has occurred in the latent stage.

Syphilis develops in three parts. First part is painless sores formed on the genitals or mouth. The second are faint signs of a red rash on hand palms, feet soles and other body parts .You can feel feverish. It is not unusual for red patches in mucous membranes to be seen. Any changes in your well being should be checked over by a doctor. The latent stage will have seen the disease grown over a period of time (years) This is not a nice stage because the bacteria attacks vital body organs, if the organs are severely affected then so is your health.

A message to all teen sex addicts remember the four Hs.

HEALTH and HAPPINESS sure beats Hospital visits or going to Heaven before your designated time..