Teens and Alcohol

Alcoholism is not merely a problem for adults. It would surprise many if they were to learn that alcohol is the most commonly abused drug in America among teens today. Even though the alcohol consumption of our nation has been declining for years, the increasing number of minors who drink is getting out of hand. Today there are close to 3 million teens between the ages of 13 and 17 who are considered problem drinkers according to theAmerican Academy of Pediatrics. In addition to those three million, there are another 300,000 more teenagers who are dependent on alcohol. Many teens experience the negative consequences of alcohol abuse that include poor grades, getting arrested, being involved in an accident, and bad health. A figure that demonstrates just how dangerous alcohol is to teens is the fact that the leading cause of death among 15 to 24 year olds is motor vehicle accidents involving an impaired driver. This comes out to mean the death of nearly 8 teens every day.

There are many reasons why teens turn to alcohol. One reason is their desire of acceptance by their peers also known as peer pressure. Teens find popularity at the top of their list and drinking is a way for them to achieve that popularity. Another reason teens like to drink is that it makes them feel more grown up, which is a great desire at that age. Part of this is due to the amount of exposure of teens to drinking in the media. Lastly, teens may use alcohol as an escape from the problems of their teenage years and the challenges that come with growing up and turning into an adult. As you can see, drinking among teens is a growing problem that requires our attention, because teens are our future and it would be best if they and our future were not impaired.