What is Prom Night?

If you are the parents, its a nail biting... exciting, yet scary time as our kids leave their childhood and move on to adulthood..

If you are the student, then you know that the Prom Night represents the finishing of High School, and the start of a new life, whether its off to college, university, or traveling. Things will change, your friends will all be following their own paths, and this is the one night where you will all be dressed up and out together.

For some it is not that important, they are just glad they graduated and move on.. but for most young girls, its all about the dress, the diets, the makeup, the shoes, and all the stress that goes with it for the parents and the kids, for this one crazy night.

The one night where you are more dressed up than you have ever been, where you look grown up in your gowns and suits, and the cameras are flashing from your parents, grandparents and siblings as they are a witness to this next stage of your life..

Many girls worry about their dress, what type should I get?.. what size? ... and what does not help, is that most retail stores tend to display the size 2 - 6 models for these dresses, when in actual fact more than 6 out of 10 girls are plus size, or size 14 and up. This causes panic and crash diets among young girls, as the pressure to look perfect on that night increases.

Instead of trying to squeeze into a dress that is too small, find a dress that fits your body in all the right places, and you will look like a million bucks, no matter what size you are. The worse thing you can do, is to jam your curvy body, into something that was not meant for your body type.

So, ignore the size tag, find the dress you like and find the right one to fit you, and when it fits just right, you will feel great. Malls are not the only place to look for a nice dress, or gown, also consider shopping online, there are so many great styles this year for that perfect prom dress, and there are sites that cater ONLY to Prom Dresses...so you are sure to find one that will fit you. Shopping online means you have access to many more styles, than what your local mall will have, and by purchasing online, you don't run the risk of buying the same dress as someone else.

Start early, measure yourself and figure out your size, and don't obsess over the size, just go by the fit, and you will look and feel great for your prom, no tugging, no sucking in your belly, and not being able to breathe, you want to be comfortable, and have a good time, as this is the next step to the rest of your life, enjoy it and breathe easy! the perfect prom dress