Two Anti Wrinkle Procedures

Semi-permanent filler


One of the newer types of filler, Alloderm is a decellurized, collagenous graft (or in basic terms a bit of treated skin taken from a cadaver). Sourced from a skin ban, the skin is processed by removing the non-collagen content, purifying the collagen, then drying it into sheets which your physician can cut and shape according to needs - the small and round for scars or long and slim for lines, wrinkles or lips.

It is made primarily for reconstructive plastic surgery but has proven to be very useful to the dermatologic surgeon wanting to raise saucer-shaped acne scars and reshape lips. One half hour before application the sheets are floated in a saline solution until they expand, then they are cut to the size and shape of the scar or rolled into the required shape.

Possible risks:The tissue used has been treated to minimize the risk of rejection but it is still theoretically possible that your body could recognize it as foreign matter. The results usually last, particularly in the case of scars, from 18 months to 3 to 4 years.

Permanent filler


If you have had collagen and been disappointed at how long it lasted: if you also tried hyaluronic acid gels and watched them be reabsorbed, or if you are generally fed up with the time and money you have to spend on regular touch ups, you may want to move onto something more permanent. Or you may simply want to try this type of filler first.

Softform is a newer treatment for the correction of deeper lines and wrinkles and for lip enhancement. rather than being injected, it is surgically implanted but requires only two small incisions a couple of millimetres long t either end of the line, or lips, being treated. Softform is essentially Gortex that has been rendered less porous so that the skin tissue doesn't infiltrate it. This means that the implant can be easily removed at a later date, if required. because the implant itself is a hollow tube, however, new tissue of your own does grow into the center of it which helps it anchor in place.

It is also now becoming apparent that this new tissue remains even if, for whatever reason, the implant is removed, leaving you with more than you started out with. Used for: naso labial (smile) lines, marionette lines, frown lines and upper and lower lip augmentation. It is useful as a preventative aid for those who are developing upper lip wrinkles and the increased implant actually prevents the excessive pursing action which causes them. Risks:

As with all surgical incisions there is the risk of infection. This can be minimized by keeping the area clean and by using antibiotics/antiseptic medications. In most patients the incision s produce imperceptible scars and if doing lips these can be hidden within the vermilion border. Some patients, however, may develop larger scars. Those with a tendency to hypertropic or keloid scarring should not be treated. Also the implants have been known to shift position if the new tissue doesn't grow into it quickly enough.

If you are not quite ready for such extreme measures, visit my anti aging wrinkle cream site where you can read great reviews on top selling wrinkle cream products such as LifeCell and Dermajuv
