The puzzle game provides me with a great deal of interest. For many years I have been putting jigsaws together on Sunday afternoons and in some instances have actually taken days if not weeks to complete the set.

Recently I was introduced to uVme online skill games and was intrigued by the “Jigsaw Wars” game available. Never having been online to play games before I tried the “ Play for free “ option – after several attempts I then decided to pit my wits against real life contestants. What great fun! I have won a few and certainly have lost a few making some great friends in the meantime and thoroughly enjoying the experience.

While being entertained by the uVme suite of free online arcade games I did some research and was amazed by how the skill gaming and casual gamer market has increased upon the internet. uVme being the latest offering and from what I have seen so far could be said to be probably one of the biggest players in this arena within the next two years.

Looking more closely at the concept I quickly realised that this in fact could be a fantastic business opportunity. It has all the makings of a vibrant user friendly platform where games can be played and tournaments created. Without going in to too much detail each games promoter has the potential to earn “ Game Rake “ from each player on his or her site. Do the maths and you can see where this could go….Percentages can be as high as 41%.

From a sheer playing point of view it commanded authority and provided a very decorative array of games which included: free online darts, pool, basket ball as well as the innovative Martian Ball and Bubble Trouble and of course my favourite Jigsaw Wars. Again following my research I have read that massively multiplayer games within the tournament concept will provide a growth arena for skill games within the next twelve to eighteen months. Speaking to my contacts within the organisation they explained that the advent of Web 2.0 and social networking will have a profound impact upon games played within and between community groups.

Increased broadband usage and higher speed connections in the developing world will bring uVme type platforms to the entire international community. There will be in the very near future millions of players and it will rank in terms of competition closely with and

Online browser based games with their addictive nature will feature in many different social environments such as Bingo forums, coffee mornings etc. I dare say that eventually computer based games will be as well known as my
traditional Sunday afternoon puzzle.