Look And Feel Younger With Natural Human Growth Hormones Hgh

As a professional gym instructor, I sometimes get asked about how human growth hormones (hgh) can help people lose weight, gain muscles and even reverse the aging process.

First of all, I encourage all my clients to supplement their diets with natural supplementation such as vitamins and minerals but I do take a strong position against the use of artificial growth hormones or synthetic stuff like steroid usage with or without a doctor's supervision unless it is absolutely necessary to correct some serious medical disorders.

Yes, Human Growth Hormones or HGH in abbreviation is certainly very effective in helping you lose excess weight, gain lean muscles, feel and look younger and some claimed, may even make you grow taller! However, how safe is Hgh supplementation?

HGH has taken rather a high profile after it is known that many popular celebrities, entertainers and movie stars such as Sylvester Stallone and Debbie Moore are using it to keep in shape and to look younger because of its potency to fight the effects of the aging. Yes, hgh has been proven to even being able to reverse aging by 10 to 20 years by enhancing your metabolism and boost your immune system.

So what is the human growth hormone and why is it so powerful that it can even reverse your age? Well, this hormone is produced by your pituitary gland in your brain. This hormone stimulates growth and cell production in human beings and thus its name.

The main property of HGH is to increase height and added benefits are that it increases muscle mass, helps in calcium retention in our body, helps in keeping your bones stronger and healthier, reduces fat in the body, helps in controlling sugar and insulin levels, helps with immunity and several more important functions that keep us healthy when we are young.

As we age, our natural production of this hormone starts to decrease. This process can start as early as in our late 20s and that is the main reason why we are getting older and weaker. The level of this hormonal secretion is highest in our early childhood. It peaks during puberty when there is a growth spurt. The sad thing is that the levels of this production continue to decline throughout our adult life. This drop in secretion make us to look older, have problems like diabetes, depression, loss of energy, loss of muscle mass and every other problem associated with the effects of aging.

So it isn't surprising that everyone is looking to increase HGH levels our body to make ourselves to look young and feel healthy all over again. So have the human kind discovered the fountain of youth through HGH supplementation? Can you imagine having your wrinkles disappear overnight, get the lean and well toned body of your youth with the mental alertness of a young adult all over again?

There are several options available to introduce human growth hormones into your body. There are the HGH injections, oral sprays and natural supplements that claim to increase the HGH in your body. So let us look at how these delivery system really works.

By Injections - HGH injections are very expensive and are out of reach for most people except for the rich and wealthy like the movie stars we mentioned earlier. They are merely a synthetic substances injected into your body by a trained medical doctor and are not available over the counter because of its many potentially dangerous side effects just like any artificial synthetic elements that you introduce into your body, for example, steroids.

By Oral Sprays - Again at the time of writing this article, the effectiveness of HGH/IGF oral spray is still raging in controversy. The growth hormones, according to some research do not have the capability of passing through the membranes of your mouth while others claimed that the molecules of certain brands are small and permeable enough to do so.

However, with the rapid advancement of science, some companies have now claimed to have developed hgh sprays that can be absorbed by the mucus membrane of your mouth.

By Natural HGH Releasers Supplementation - This method by my opinion is the most effective and safest for the majority of us. Numerous studies have shown that this method is very effective in increasing the levels of HGH produced in our bodies. They are just like vitamins and minerals taken orally.

You need to take them just before going to bed since the production of our natural growth hormones in the pituitary gland is most active when we are sleeping. Only supplement with HGH enhancers from brands that use 100% natural herbs and minerals with no synthetic substances.

These herbs activate your pituitary gland and in turn your pituitary gland produces more of your natural HGH. Because of its natural status, there is no prescription needed and have no side effects except all the anti aging benefits you can get with a high level of human growth hormones.

Now that we know that the best option to grow younger is to enhance our own HGH production, how do we go about it since there are so many brands of growth hormones enhancers in the market? How can we even know if what we are being given is a natural herbal supplement or a synthetic supplement cloaking as a herbal supplement?

Here is where I can help because it is part of my profession to advice clients on these matters and of course I have to do some very thorough research on this. After looking at so many growth hormones releaser brands and even tested some of them on myself, I have narrowed the choice down to a few particular brands produced in FDA approved labs. I have listed them on my website.