Anti Wrinkle Cream Alternatives

As we age our dermis deflates, the full lips of our youth thin and the expression lines become permanent furrows. The quickest, neatest way of remedying these age-related changes is simply to refill and replenish. The procedures are quick, virtually painless and the results gratifyingly immediate.

After several years of squinting and smiling, frowning and puckering up, the facial muscles which govern such movements take their toll on your weakening (perhaps sun-challenged dermis) and the creases which once faded rapidly from view become permanently etched on your face. Of course, a lightly corrugated pair of crow's feet can indicate a happy history but some of the expression lines or marks of past events we end up with are less becoming.

Some of the options:

Filling Agents:

The concept of injecting substances to plump out lines and wrinkles has been around for over 30 years. As with many cosmetic procedures, the idea for them came out of the plastic surgeon's reconstructive work and indeed many of the latest fillers still do. They divide into permanent and temporary treatments.. Those that don't last include purified animal collagen and hyaluronic acid gels.

Fat transfer:

This procedure involves using fat either specifically removed for the operation or during liposuction, from another part of your body. It's generally used for very deep smile lines or deep acne scars. The advantage is that there is no chance of any sort of allergic reaction or rejection. The disadvantage is, of course, the need to have it extracted from your body!


Botox is not actually a filler at all but is included here because it is injected into the skin, and because it does smooth out lines. The idea for botulinum toxin came in the 70s from an Ophthalmologist in San Francisco who was looking for non surgical methods of correcting squints and ticks in children. Today, a highly purified version is used of the same bug that causes life-threatening gastric upsets, it is injected into the muscles which cause crow's feet, the folds of a frown or those that cause excessive lip pursing. There is no effect to your central nervous system since the toxin remains locked into the muscle it was injected into.

If you are not quite ready for such extreme measures, visit my anti aging wrinkle creams site where you can read great reviews on top selling wrinkle cream products such as LifeCell and Dermajuv .
