Time is a major factor for a life of impact. Business men say often, "time is money", because their success is tied to how wisely they invest their time. Time is success. Those who do not know how to make proper use of their time cannot accidentally stumble into success. The truth of the matter is that, God has given each of us enough time to be the best we are created to be. The inventors we celebrate today became so, by investing their time in locating secrets. They took time to dig up facts, think through issues and locate solutions. What you do with your time determines your destiny. Many in public services go to work but do nothing they simply while away time.

Stop spending your time, start investing it. Time spenders are wasters. When you make the most of your time, you are making the most of your life! What many business men and career people need to experience break through is to give their business and career the time it requires, then the results will begin to show. The quality of your time investment determines the quality of time you live. So, go ahead, put your best into your life's goals and watch yourself make impact in the world. In vesting time gives colour to destinies.

Isaac Newton is still being spoken of today, because he took advantage of time. A plague had broken out in his school, and all the students were asked to go home. Newton returned to his father's farm and did something useful with the eighteen months break from school. It was during that period that he made those three outstanding discoveries of the law of mechanics. Perhaps some of his mates' wild away their time, but Newton invested his. That investment is still affecting the world today and he is remembered as one of the most brilliant men that ever lived. The wise man said that when you refuse to change, you end up in chains. God has destined you to be a pace-setter in your world, but changing from slothfulness to diligence and from time wasting to time investing are principles that helps you to make maximum impact in your life.