Not only do we age in general, our body ages with us

Not only do we age in general, our body ages with us. One of the main culprits on our body for signs of aging is the skin. Aging results in undesirable changes in skin like wrinkles and the loss of elasticity. The basic reason for this happening is that the collagen in the skin begins to diminish. This results is sagging of our skin and wrinkles, both of which are not very aesthetically pleasing at all. The signs of aging are very prominent on our faces, in particular around our eyes and mouth. Everyone desires to look as young as possible, and this is why cosmetic surgery is fast becoming a popular choice for many people looking to regain their youth.

Previously the only way that this could all be solved was through the process of a face lift. The fact that it is a surgical procedure means that it is an invasive process and there are some risks involved when undergoing such a drastic procedure. Due to this people are searching for other solutions that are less invasive and still give the results desired. Dermal fillers are one of the most popular solutions that people are choosing to combat their signs of aging.

Dermal fillers are injected into those areas where there are fine lines and wrinkles. The most common areas are around the eyes, eyebrows and the bridge of the mouth. They can also be injected into the lips so that they look fuller and more prominent. Dermal Fillers are injected directly into the dermis, filling in creases, lines, wrinkles and scars, elevating the skin's surface. The Dermal Fillers utilised by your cosmetic surgeon are effective, long lasting, easy to apply and gentle on your skin. Your surgeon now has a greater choice and flexibility in Dermal Fillers than ever before, enabling them to choose the most appropriate product for each patient.