3 Biggest Time Wasters

Have you ever stopped and consider how much time you have during the day? How about during the week? How much of this time do you spend on activities and people that waste your valuable time? What are your time waster during the day? Sometimes we go through life surrounding ourselves with activities and people that take away our time. Once time is gone. It is gone forever. Only by realizing what and who takes away are time will we move forward to the next level.

Time wasters are poor decisions or not making a decision during our day. They cost time and also money. It is a vicious cycle. Poor decision making and being indecisive is like a tornado. It goes round and round. It destroys everything goals, dreams in your path. It becomes a habit. Look at you life right now. What were you doing 1 year ago? What were you doing 3 years ago? Does it look about the same? It is based on the decisions that you made.

There are 3 biggest time wasters. Your ability to deal with them will determine where you will be in the next year.

1.Procrastination. Procrastination is one of the biggest time waster of them all. You probably have heard or even know people that live their lives in quiet desperation and end up retiring poor. Have you meet people that go through life that find every reason or excuse not to do it today. They do it over and over. They make excuses day after day. Then one day their lives are OVER.

2.Not making decisions. Not making decisions rob more time than you realize. It cost you money too. It can produce unnecessary tasks. Decision making requires courage and moving forward. When you are wishy-washy, you are unable to make decisions with family, kids, or careers. Nobody likes to follow someone that is indecisive not even kids.

3.Putting out fires and taking care of emergencies. This is a huge time waster. When you are about to settle down to do a task or go to work. Something unexpected happens and pulls you away from that task or work. This sometimes rolls from minutes into hours and hours. The greatest leaders throughout our history thought ahead and determine all the things that maybe go wrong. Then they would plan in advance. If something did happen, they could move quickly or delegate it. They would get it done. Poor leaders trust in luck. Crisis will happen just don’t pitch a tent next time.

Most valuable skill you can develop is a sense of urgency. Get on with it. Make things happen. It is the most powerful factor. It can move you forward no matter what situation we are in right now. Most important way to improve your decision making is you are not perfect. A not perfect decision made immediately goes far then not a decision at all. When fires do occur think before you act. Action without thinking leads to failure. Just be objective. Live your life if it was your last day here on earth everyday!