Efficient, Effective Time Management to Counter Procrastination

Procrastination can be the traitor in your mind that blocks success and brings you down by sucking up the most valuable resource a person has ... time! Efficient, effective time management is not just about organizing your time but has a lot to do with your attitude towards how you approach your time, what you want to achieve and what sort of personality you have.

Firstly the basis of good time management is having a well planned and structured day with all your tasks divided, prioritized and then completed in an orderly fashion without fuzzy time between tasks that can lead to procrastination. This may sound easy enough to some but the truth is that any plan is only good if you can stick to it no matter how well prepared the structure is.

The real struggle is making sure you adhere to the plan which has a lot to do with your attitude and your personality. People procrastinate in different ways and so a good time management solution must be tailored depending on your particular time burglar. Some people are perfectionists who do jobs well but spend too much time on each task, others get overwhelmed by the tasks and shy away from the hard work while others still have a fear of failure that stops them even starting as they are scared of doing badly. To compound this, solutions to these particular problems must also be tailored to your personality type, going against your instincts can be hard so solutions that work for one person may need to be adjusted for others, there is no cookie cutter solution but there are many options to choose from.

So what is the solution for efficient, effective time management? First look at yourself in the mirror long and hard and discover the flaws that keep you from being as successful as you want. Only then can you implement a plan to really get the most out of your day!


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