If you want to look younger, one of the most important things to focus on is figuring out how to effectively reduce wrinkles. Wrinkles, especially on your face and arms, can make you look a lot older, so by getting rid of them you can look considerably younger. Following simple tips such as wearing sunscreen, eating fruits and vegetables, and getting treatments such as dermabrasion can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles on your skin.

By wearing sunscreen, you can protect yourself from diseases such as skin cancer, and you can also reduce wrinkles. The sunscreen protects you from UV rays, which are the harmful part of sunlight. If you have sunscreen, a moderate amount of exposure to the sun can still be healthy. It is best if you choose a sunscreen that also has moisturizer, as applying moisturizer on a regular basis can be quite effective in reducing wrinkles as well.

Your whole life you have been told to eat your fruits and vegetables, and that isn't going to change any time soon. There are many anti aging benefits in these foods, but their oils and antioxidants can be especially effective ways to reduce wrinkles naturally.

Other foods that you might want to include in your diet include fish, soy, and cocoa. The fish oils include omega-3 fatty acid, which can help make you look younger, while soy and cocoa can help increase your skin's firmness.

If you are so inclined, there are medical spa treatments available, such as wrinkle fillers, chemical peels, and dermabrasion that can reduce wrinkles quickly. It is best, though, to go with the more natural methods such as eating healthy and applying moisturizer, as some of the more "modern" treatments have many risks associated with them.

If you eat smart and keep your skin moist and protected from the harsh UV rays of the sun, you can reduce wrinkles quickly and start looking younger in a matter of weeks.