Creating Time

Like everything else, we create time. As a matter of fact time isn’t even real. It is a fabulous creation of ours, to manage in a linear fashion, our experiences as they occur or will occur. Now it is real to the extent that we have all agreed on its usefulness, in the same way that we have agreed on our physical existence and the chair that you are sitting on. This is a huge other discussion but suffice to say that since there is only infinite energy existing simultaneously everywhere, at all times – (OMNIPRESENT), there can be no space, which is a prerequisite of time, only presence.


Has anyone noticed that these days time is going faster? Days blur into months and years slip by? I’m just getting accustomed to writing 2008 and it’s almost 2009. Wow! Well it isn’t time that’s changing, it’s us. We’re doing more, thanks to technology, reaching farther faster, thanks to aerodynamics and the airline industry. Our galaxy is getting smaller as we discover other more extensive galaxies and now we have to develop faster modes of transportation to reach these far flung outposts.


But bringing it back to us – most of us are too busy to do the things we really want to do. Why? Because we think we don’t have the time, so we actually don’t have the time. How did people manage before the automobiles, airplanes or e-mail? Were they missing out on something? They didn’t think so! I know they created less stress and emotional disorders. I know that a friend visiting from a different state warranted at lease two days of celebrations. Now don’t get me wrong, I love the new technology, it is what I am using to reach all of you and it’s fabulous. I do think however that we take ourselves far too seriously and miss out on a lot of wonderful experiences.


Take back your time. Create joy spots along the way… breathing spaces to enjoy life; if you work from home, set boundaries on your time. Give yourself permission to play hard, even as you dedicate yourself to working hard. I take that back…if it feels like work quit! Exchange your passion for a rich compensation. The balance in life is rest, play and passionate expression. A boss I once had actually stopped me from doing overtime. After a vigorous 40 to 45 hour work week he pointed out, I would begin making poor management decisions and become less creative; and he was right.


If we begin to create time to serve us instead of bending ourselves into conniptions to fit into time, we will see a big difference. Firstly, we will miss nothing. When you give yourself time to enjoy life, you work more efficiently, ultimately saving yourself a lot of time. When I am in a hurry, I misplace things, misread things; I put myself under undue stress and invariably waste a lot of time. Ever heard the saying, ‘the harder I work, the behinder I get?’ well it’s true.


Time is a balancing act. To create your time, ensure that you carve out rest periods for yourself when your mind and body are relaxed. Create time everyday to do something that gives you joy. Passionately engage in play and work; you will have more time on your hands and work more efficiently. Your life is not about work; your life is about YOU. Time is your servant, not your master.

On the other hand being late for an appointment is showing disrespect for the other person. If your appointment is at 10:00 a.m. and it will take you approximately half an hour to get to the appointment, you cannot leave at 9:55 a.m. and expect to be on time. I know many people who, while they buy into time as a fixed reality, try to create miracles when it comes to showing up on time. Show up on time for your life. Create your time and use it productively.