The Greatest Tool For Success

With our busy lifestyles and the pace at which we live it today in our modern lives we can really get overwhelmed and not really focus on what we need to do or how to go about doing it. There is certainly a wealth of different tools out there that cater to our unwavering quench for more and more tools to help us manage our time and productivity better. While certainly the good old fashioned diary is still a great tool to manage your appointments, tasks and the nifty phone has certainly come along way to keeping you in touch wherever you are they individually fall short of a truly complete success tool.

I have found the pda/phone an invaluable advancement in technology in the last few years and as they are getting smaller and more advanced they can really empower you to take the next leap to having a tool that can put you onto the path to success.

The greatest advantage of having a pda/phone is that you can be connected to the office whenever and wherever you are. You can access your emails, documents and your appointments practically in real time. What this means is that you no longer need to be chained to your desk in order to stay up to date.

From a time management stand point the pda/phone can really keep you organized and you don't need to have a clunky diary or pieces of paper with notes lying around everywhere. But one of the reasons I really like the pda/phone is it's usefulness when you are doing nothing. We all have those moments, waiting in the lobby for your next appointment, standing in a queue or even during down times when you would otherwise just waste those moments doing nothing with a pda/phone handy you can open it up to your current ebook you are reading and make that moment productive. Getting used to reading an ebook can certainly get some used to but after a while its not all that different to reading a regular book, as with all things you get used to it over time.

Another added advantage of the pda/phone is that you always have it with you. Just like your phone who leaves home without it. So it is true with you portable device, you will tend to carry it with you at all times which is a step ahead of your paper diary system as most people don't have that with them all the time.

At the end of the day there are many people who have a great paper based time management system in placed and that is what they prefer. But more and more you are finding that successful people have gravitated towards a pda/phone just for the added effectiveness and usefulness that it gives them in carrying out a productive day.