3 Steps To Better Time Management

I was always the type of person that had to arrive at an appointment 10 minutes early, make a time schedule for every job I had, make a list for the grocery store and keep track of every minute for every thing on my schedule, so for me, I lived in a world of time management. However, there are many people that have a problem with time. They run out of time for everything that they try to accomplish, the natural phrase that they have is, "I don't have time for anything or I ran out of time." Is this how you feel?

There are many tips and shortcuts to time management, the reason most of them are overlooked is because we tend to think that by doing some of these that we are wasting time. When in reality, by doing these simple steps, we become much more productive, not only in our home life but in our businesses as well.
Try these and see how your productivity will increase and your stress level will decrease.

1. Set a Goal Make a list of everything that needs to be accomplished for that day. This will give you a starting point, a schedule of events and a time frame to do it in.

2. Keep track of wasted time
We all need to take a break every once in a while during the day, but do you realize how many wasted minutes we tend to use up? Keeping on task is one of the faults of wasted time scheduling. Start a task and complete it and then you have earned your break. If it is a large task, break it down into smaller tasks and give yourself a break at the half way point. Then keep track of wasted minutes, when they were unproductive and why.

3. Interruptions
It is inevitable that there are interruptions in our lives on a daily basis, but are they consuming time that we need to accomplish goals? If that is the case it is time to set some rules such as: Let the ringing telephone go to the answer machine and return the call later and the neighbor or business associate that stops in will have to call and set a time that is available to you.

Time management is the ability to reclaim the minutes in your day and to make them productive minutes and not time wasters. Once the list is made and the goal set you have total control over how it will be controlled. You set the limits as to how they will be used.

It makes everyday start out with a purpose and end with accomplishments that reduces stress, organizing your time and gives you a feeling of control.