Time Management Leads To Stress Management

In today's world, it is easy to become overwhelmed with life and for time management skills to be less than stellar. From work commitments, family obligations, extracurricular activities and overbooked social lives, it is easy to reach the conclusion that most days you don't know if you are coming or going. It's no wonder everyone is stressed out, frazzled, tired and unhappy. After all, we are all overbooked. However, when you learn how to employ effective time management techniques in your life, you will also start to manage your stress and you will feel better and be less tired.

There are some great time management tips that anyone who feels there simply are not enough hours in the day should start to implement TODAY. The moment you commit to some of these tips and take charge is the moment you will start to see a change in your life.

Schedule your day the night before

This can help you accomplish more and will allow you time to brainstorm around what is important and what is not the night before. You will wake up feeling more in control and focused on what needs to get done that day.

Make it a priority to prioritize

This means you will be able to spend your time on the tasks that are most productive and will provide the greatest results. You will be able to identify what is superfluous and what is not.

Learn how to delegate

The mark of a true leader is not only knowing how to get the work done, but also knowing how to delegate tasks that do not require your attention to another person. Remember, you are not sloughing off or shirking from responsibility, you are identifying what needs your time and attention and what does not.

Facing tasks that you dread

We all know the feeling, there is something on your to-do list that you are absolutely dreading and therefore you choose not to do it at all or procrastinate on starting it. With cases like this, it will only get worse if you put it off and put it off. Instead, employ the "ten minute rule." This is when you allow yourself only ten minutes to work on a project you dislike. Allow yourself to take a break after that ten minutes in order to fight fatigue and burn out. You may find that once you start it, you will be able to keep working or that the task was not as bad as it seemed.

When you focus on positive and forward thinking measures for time management you will not only control your days and be more productive, but you will also improve your life.