Time Management Skills - 4 Skills You Need To Manage Your Time Well

One of the biggest pitfalls for man is the lack of power to perform when managing time. Many a times we keep complaining that we don’t have enough time to complete and accomplish the most important tasks and also the ones that matter most. If we look into the matter deeply, we will realize that it is not that difficult to manage time. All the excuses we give ourselves and others for not being able to manage time are in fact lame because there are so many programs, strategies and techniques readily available to manage it.

What all do we require to be able to manage time? Simply put, humility, will and perseverance. We must straight put this in our heads that we cannot do so many things at one single time.

Many people these days try to do everything at one time, hoping to get more rewards at the same time but they don’t understand by doing so, they are subjecting themselves to tremendous stress which is a great loss in the long term. We don’t have to prove to anyone that we are superheroes, but should do only as much work as is possible and not go beyond.

When we make any plans and are carrying them out, we must have enough perseverance to ensure that we stick to them and take them through as scheduled. Planning is must for every work we do, we should list all the things to be done and should plan and execute accordingly. We should not pile up the work only to stress ourselves later.

We have to realize the worth of time as we are mortals and are here only for a limited period of time. We must make best use of time without spoiling our health in any way.

Planning starts by listing all the things that matter to us, be it social, personal or our job, everything should be done properly according to the plan. In this way, we will save on lot of time since nothing will get wasted.

Time travels continuously and waits for none. So we should take care and equip ourselves with proper knowledge about its management and if needed learn additional skills to manage it as well.

1. Setting up a goal
Goal setting is the most important part of time management. It may be done on daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. If there is no goal, you will have no idea where you are heading to or in which direction you are going. Your time management must always be in conjunction with advancement towards your goals.

2. Learn to delegate
If you have too much work on you, don’t hesitate to seek help from other people. Also, you should avoid putting yourself into this type of situation in the future and take only as much as you can finish without getting stress. Help other people only when you can afford the time otherwise its best for you not to.

3. Doing things now
When you have work, do it at the right prescribed time and don’t put it for later, as it will pile up and add to your stress levels. Also, when you finish your work on time, you don’t have to procrastinate towards the end and get stressed unecessarily.

4. It’s okay to say no
Saying no to something that you have no time to do and also not being rude or hurting the person is a skill that everyone should learn to avoid unnecessary problems. When asked for a favor of doing someone else’s work, you may do it only if you have time, but when you are swamped with things of your own, then it’s best for you to say no.

Always remember that effective management of time doesn’t require you to have the knowledge of a rocket scientist. To manage it properly, you must keep a note of everything well ahead in advance and go about doing it accordingly.
Be humble to admit that you have limited time and energy and all works are not equally important to you. So make a priority list of the important things to be done followed by the less important tasks and so on and so forth. Do justice with the distance of sixty seconds and make the best use of it. When you really have no time and energy to help others it’s in your best interests to say no.