Improving Your Health Through Time Management Principles

If you are reading this article, you are probably struggling with how to stay healthy or lower your stress through employing time management techniques that really work. The first thing you have to realize is that you are not alone in this area. Today's world and the pace that many of us set our lives at seems to promote a hectic and unhealthy lifestyle. However, you can find balance and make time management work.

Contrary to popular belief by some people, you do not have to consistently be holding your iPhone or Blackberry, in fact, these are two of the worst time vampires on the face of the Earth. Do you ever ask yourself what you did before you had one? The answer to that question is you did MORE. Regardless if you believe it or not, these two inventions are two of the biggest distractions known to man. While it is true they allow you to stay "connected" and in touch ALL THE TIME, they also contribute to the Attention Deficit Disorder that many of us find ourselves prone to. When you are constantly paying attention to a Blackberry, you are allowing yourself to be interrupted from the task at hand by email or other alerts that might not be a priority. Furthermore, it is this that leads people to diverting their attention to something or someone else that could have been put off till later. Studies also show that constant attention to a Blackberry leads to increased stress levels.

Now, we are not saying get rid of your Blackberry. We love our gadgets too. However, when you are working on a big project that needs to get done, turn your Blackberry, phone, pager or email alerts off. Only allow yourself to turn them back on when the work is complete, then you will rest assured that there might be an email you have to answer, but you also have completed the project that you needed to first.

Next, allow yourself a break. Whether you work at home, at an office or simply feel overwhelmed, allow yourself the opportunity to go for a walk, play with your dog, do some stretches. If you feel like you don't have time, schedule this on your calendar once a day and consider it a non-negotiable appointment, one that is necessary to your health and your life.

Remember, time management states that you do not live to work, you work to live, and therefore, balance is required.