Often we hear people lament that they are busy and have insufficient time to do the things they want. When being asked what they have been busy with, some cannot even tell what was eating into their time. A helpful way is to get them list the activities they perform in a week on a daily basis. Then the truth begins to surface. They are busy with taking on additional work loads or household chores. Busy with doing things that do not really matter. Busy with other people's stuff…
How about you? Can you find time to do the things you want? If your answer is negative, it's time to look around and sieve out those time snatchers. They may be dressed in various forms – your colleague asking you to cover her work as she needs to attend a dinner, a friend that always makes you wait for at least half an hour before she appears, your aunt asking you to babysit her little one while she and her husband catch a movie, your spouse requesting you to take on his share of household chores while he pursues his hobbies, you feel obliged to attend every single fund raising event organized by the welfare association for which you are a volunteer…
Many of us always try to be nice and helpful. But we should be careful that we do not carry this gesture overboard. If we find that time is lacking but still say yes to every single request that comes along or feel obliged to be there for everyone, then we are not being kind to ourselves. If we do not treat our time as precious, nobody will. And these time snatchers will find a way to snatch even more of your time if you continue to let them.
Protect your time. Say no to time snatchers. With the free up time, you can now do the things you want. Isn't this a better way of living?