How To Optimise Your Time

The best way to utilise your time effectively is to identify the goals you first need to achieve.We usually feel that we have far too many things to accomplish and need to deliver on too many promises. This makes us feel overwhelmed which leads us to give up and choose to do nothing instead.

Wesulk and complainabout how much work we have instead of actually doing anything. Of course complaining is not necessarily a bad thing. Talking about how we feel can be very healthy for us. But there is a fine line between always complaining and blowing off steam. It is good to release our emotions every now and then. However, when we start using this excuse to stop working then we are simplywasting precious time.

Our parents told us many times that we would not be able to turn the clock back. While growing up I used to think this such a cliché. Of course we could never take time back.But, so what? It didn’t really matter.It was only when I started to take on my own responsibilities that I realised the meaning of this statement.I finally understood the wisdom of the adults.

When I had too many things to do with too little time to do them in, only then did I discover how precious each moment is. The more time we waste the more our tasks pile up. Putting off things to do for the next day doesn’t mean thetasks will go away. They will just accumulate to become even more unmanageable.

What are we actually doing when we put off things like this. There is a word in Spanish that some people use. The act of putting off things is called the mañana habit. This word simply means tomorrow. Constantly convincing ourselves that it will be done the next day is the kind of habit everyone should get rid of.

What method do we use to allot the time for each and every responsibility. How do we juggle the tasks we need to complete with having time for ourselves.The best way to start is to make a list.When we have a list, we are able to see the bigger picture.  Add to this your personal and business goals and the steps we have to take to get to the end.

Once you have completed your list, put it somewhere where you can see it such as on a wall. Make sure that you can easily see it and that you look at it as often as you can. Life places so many demands on all of us. When we don’t take note of our list we will forget about it as we try and meet each new demand. We often forget to take care of ourselves by working ourselves to the bone until we are exhausted.

Optimising our time is important because we need to take care of ourselves.We need to have the time to spend with our loved ones and we need space to be able to recuperate from all the stress. The only way to do this is when we can rest assured that all our tasks have been completed.  Celebrate life and do this now! We can only do this if we understand the importance of time.