The Secret To Having More Time And EnergyDo you ever feel tired for no logical reason? Do you ever feel like you never have enough time for the things that are important to you? You may feel constantly tired and always out of time because you are carrying a lot of unfinished business. Unfinished business, what's that you ask? Unfinished business is simply all of the energy that you have put into many different goals in the past and even with all your good intentions you never actually saw the goal through to its completion. Does this sound familiar? When you start to perform anything (put energy in motion) and then don't complete it, the energy actually remains trapped in the past, which means it is not 100% available in the NOW, or present moment. The key to allowing your emotions to flow freely on a day to day basis, giving you more energy and freeing up your time is to establish a system of Elimination. By establishing a system of Elimination you are effectively providing an outlet to remove unnecessary clutter in your life. This can be mental, emotional, spiritual or physical clutter and often comes in the form of unfinished business. That is, tasks you have started but not finished which can often lead to toxicity, in your environment, in your living space, in your relationships, in your direction and of course, in your physical body. Be aware that if you start something and do not finish it you are trapping energy in the past. If you do not have 100% of your energy available in the present you will not be as productive as you can possibly be and you may feel tired for no logical reason. Therefore it is highly important to create a system to eliminate any unfinished business or toxins in your life. Failure to establish a system of Elimination can lead to the symptoms of emotional dis ease in your life. Such symptoms include; toxicity, anxiety, stress, sadness, melancholy and depression. How to eliminate your unfinished business and instantly free up your energy and time Use the following guidelines to provide you with an excellent system to assist you to eliminate any energy you may still be storing in your past. 1. Close off all unfinished business or incomplete cycles of action (work, finances, family, partner, friends, health and well being etc) 2. Remove Toxic thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviours from your mind simply by focusing on what you want, not on what you dont want. 3. De-Clutter and simplify your life, your house, car, garage, wardrobe, office etc. Eliminate any old energy that no longer serves you. 4. Make your life leaner and more purposeful. 5. Give every situation or coincidence its due attention, every day regardless of how small it may seem, always address every situation with the respect it deserves and at the time it arises. 6. If feeling frustrated, impatient or annoyed then ask what needs to be addressed at present. Ask your self; What is it that is causing my progression to be halted? Then ask what do I need to do in order to get my life flowing smoothly again? "Remove the Dam and the Water will Flow" By eliminating the unfinished business in your life you will allow your emotions to become more positive which will make you feel a lot fresher and provide you with the necessary energy and time to manifest your life of EASE. |