Executive Burnout!

We have experienced it haven't we, the din and bustle of modern life, the fret and fury of life in the city, tensions, worries, anxiety, deadlines…This is going to pay off some day and if you are not careful, before you know it you will be experiencing the scourge of the modern executive that is the Executive Burnout.

You will be amazed at the number of executives who are hard hit by the burn out syndrome as some psychologists call it. It has become an almost universal phenomenon among executives across the globe. So what are the symptoms of Executive Burnout? If you would like to find out if you are on the verge of a burnout, try answering the following questions.

  1. Do you experience flashes of memory loss?
  2. Do you sometimes get that ‘BLANK' feeling when you cannot get head or tail of what you have to do next?
  3. You know that there is a lot of work to be done but you have no idea where to start/
  4. You find that you are becoming increasingly irritable and lose your temper quite easily
  5. You feel mentally and physically exhausted at the end of the day but still you are restless in the night and cannot get a good night's sleep.
  6. Even after remaining in bed for 6 to seven hours you wake up feeling weary
  7. Your eyes start having dark circles around them
  8. You tend to forget meal times and even if you remember them you eat at the most insensible times
  9. Instead of eating square meals you find the t you are sustaining yourself on caffeine and nicotine, which means you are drinking too much coffee and smoking too many cigarettes.

10.  You find yourself working too hard but unable to accomplish all that you want.

Jeepers brother! If at least five of the above statements are true for you then you are in BIG trouble. You have got to do something about it or you are going to ruin your health.

You will soon start experiencing condition like insomnia (sleeplessness), loss of appetite and stress. These things will manifest themselves in diseases like hypertension (high blood pressure), ulcers and even a mental break down. And if you are not careful before long you could end up in an asylum.

Tell me is your life and work worth your job? Shouldn't it be the other way round? You should decide what your job should be and not let your job rule your life. It's really not worth it.

The underlying principle of this argument is that time management is not about doing your job well. It is about living your life well. You should have time for everything. And everything means work, play, enjoyment, freaking out and just time to sit and stare; because that is when the most creative ideas are born.