There’s a television commercial out there for an online DVD service.  It has several versions, each showing frustrated movie borrowers trying to get their movie rentals returned to the stores on time so they don’t have to pay late fees.  While the situations are humorous, and highly exaggerated, most of us can certainly identify.  We’ve all been there at one point or another!  Of course, the company’s solution to these types of problems is that we can "Get Rid of the Drama" by using their particular through-the-mail DVD rental service.

As an organizer, there are a couple of questions that come to my mind as I watch these ads.  The first is, isn’t there bound to be other types of drama in these folks’ lives?  So, while I’m a fan of the online movie rental services, it would be my guess that anyone who has consistent difficulty getting a movie returned to the store on time, probably has "drama" in other areas as well.  That leads to my next question, which is, what habits do these folks have that are causing their problems rather than solving them?

You see, our habits are what make us react and respond the way we do to the daily circumstances, obstacles and dilemmas in our lives.  Unless we make an effort the change them, our habits, and therefore, our behavior, will remain consistent.  (You know the old saying – it defines insane to keep doing the same thing and expect different results!)  I was amused not too long ago to come across some papers that had been mine back when I was 11 or 12.  Among them were several carefully written out, detailed lists.  They were all of mundane everyday stuff that was important to me back then, but other than the items changing (to today’s everyday, mundane stuff), they look exactly like lists that are on my desk right now.  You see, this is my habit, it’s how I deal with life, it’s how I solve every problem – I make a list.  That habit hasn’t changed over the course of, ahem, "many" years.  Since it’s a good one, I have no intention of trying to change it!

So, what are some of dramas in our lives and what are the habits that cause them?

** Chronic lateness – This is a biggie, I’m sure everyone knows at least one person they can always count on to be late to every function.  Usually, these are not lazy or inconsiderate people.  I’ve found the most common bad habit they have is of underestimating how long it will take to do that "one last thing before we go."  Or they cut it too close in figuring time to get somewhere.  The most helpful change they can make is to develop the habit of adding 15 minutes to their estimated time, no matter what.

** Returning items late and having to pay late fees – The trouble here is that there is not a designated place in the home for stuff like library books or movie rentals.  Once you assign a home for temporary items and then develop the habit of checking it every time you go out, you’re golden.

** Buying duplicates because you can’t find the first ones you bought – Folks with this problem usually are those who haven’t yet followed the rule, "A place for everything and everything in it’s place."  I know, it’s easier said than done.  It’s definitely work, but very, very worthwhile.

If you find there is too much drama of this type in your life, try taking a closer look at what habits you have that cause the problems.  Then set out to find solutions that work for you and your situation.  Getting organized will definitely help you "Get Rid of the Drama!"