Time Management Tips - 4 Effective Time Management Tips Every Employee Should Practice!

While higher authorities in any office are the decision makers, and the top brass, it is the employees lower down the rungs that actually do the company's hard work. It is the employees who file paperwork, photocopy thousands of pages when required and sometimes have to do a large amount of mundane work. Needless to say, the happiness of these employees ensures the successful running of the company.

It is a well-known fact that a nine to five job can and does stress people out. Therefore it is the duty of the managers to ensure a time management system is in effect, so that the employees better manage the work that is assigned to them, and have a proper feeling of completion and closure at the end of the day.

Here are some time management tips for employees :

1. Employees should be encouraged to share their work, especially if one person finds a particular task hard to complete. There is no numero uno in a team, and it is unhealthy for one person to be laden with excess work just because he or she does not mind taking it up. Where one person finds a particular task hard to complete he or she should be encouraged to share the workload with colleagues. Over work would only lead to a hurried completion of the assigned task, and that is not healthy for the company, neither for anyone working there.

2. Scheduling tasks ensures better time management for the employees. Staff members should be encouraged to work on a schedule basis, down to the hours in a day. Enough space should be allotted for reassignment of certain tasks to avoid over work. Breaks should be taken in to account, and employees should be able to relax in the 'free' time if they complete their tasks efficiently before the assigned time. This scheduling of work tasks ensures a feeling of fairness prevails in the company.

3. Employees can better manage their time if they are encouraged to not delay work. For example, if a letter comes in that needs a response, it is better to do it right away when you read it, rather than do it at a later time. If you do it later, you will have to read it all over again. This would only be a sheer waste of time.

4. An employee who seeks to offer better productivity seeks better time management. The Pareto principle tells us that certain tasks can give more profit from a minimum expense of time and effort, and employees should be encouraged to tackle such projects first and all else later.

When an employer seeks to help their employees with time management, and the employee seeks to perform well for their company by managing their time better, it is an ideal situation. The odd seminar on time management always does help, and should be organized at least annually. Happy employees do make successful companies!