Procrastination - 10 Questions To Counter It

Renowned writer Denis Waitley once said that the main cause of procrastination is the fear of success. He explained that people procrastinate often only because they get afraid of the forthcoming success and they know that it would result inn case they moves ahead now.

Another Author Miguel Cervantes, the one who wrote Don Quijote says - delay often breeds danger, and in order to protract some great design often ruin it.

All great thinkers of the history explain that they key cause of procrastination is that the individuals fail to lead a more rewarding & prosperous life.

Here follows a quiz that would help you decide if the fear of success is bringing in procrastination in your lives as well:

1. Are you passionate enough about your current life? Are you sure that you know the mission of your life? Have you made a written list of your long-term & short-term goals of the life?

2. Do you often question yourself as to which of the given tasks is the best means for you to spend time? Do you keep questioning yourself as to which task should become your priority in regards of the short-term & the long-term goals?

3. In case you win a very large sum of money, would you continue living the way as of now? Are you actually leading a life that even money can't buy?

4. Are you able to concentrate on your current job, rather than regretting yourself for the life you wished for but could not live?

In case you have answered a "yes" to all the above questions, You are surely winning the war over procrastination. In case you have answered a "no" to any of the above mentioned questions, its time that you recognize the possibilities of procrastination keeping you away from living that richer life.

Question yourself:

1. Why you did not write a vision of your life?

2. What would be the benefits of establishing the priorities?

3. Are you postponing the tasks for any justifiable reasons, and / or you are simply looking for some excuses to procrastinate?

4. Do you need to do a given job necessarily?

5. Try listing out things that you regret the most for not having done in the life owing to poor decisions made by you in the past regarding how your are spending the time?

6. According to the research findings, an average person spends around 80% of his/her time on the tasks that are all waste and are not contributing towards the success of your projects any way. Usually the people load themselves up with unnecessary work or those things that could be postponed justifiably.

7. Are you quite compassionate about life & work?

8. Question yourself how would you spend the time in case you win 10 million dollars & with out any hard work. You won't believe that these questions would lead to surprising revelations on your priorities of life.

9. In fact you might also discover that you would rather be happy in making a career change for yourself, though in most of the cases the people do not need to switch to other careers on order to start living a luxurious life. All that they need to understand is what exactly they really want.

10. A known novelist George Eliot once said – It is never too late to become the person you could have been, hence today is always a good start.